Consulting & Training

 Internal logistics optimization
Route optimization for Lane-Guided Vehicles in the warehouse of a prominent
European E-commerce apparel retailer
 Major outcomes: developed a  decomposition heuristic that achieves near- optimality within 1 minute, investigated the significance of the number of depots versus depot layout, achieved an average workstation utilization rate approaching 100%.

Waitstaff scheduling optimization
Consulting project at a fast-food restaurant chain | MADO
 Major outcomes: reduction in labor cost (21%), understaffing (100%), overstaffing (42%), and scheduled hours (23%)

Operations improvement
Consulting project at a printing, publishing & packaging company | TUNA LLC
Major outcomes: increased sales volume (18%), reduction in inventory costs (30%) and average lateness of order processing (50%)

Process analysis
Consulting project at a at a furniture company | HASANOGLU FURNITURE CO.
Major outcomes: reduction in process cycle time (55%) and order fulfilment (23%)

Sales & distribution optimization
Consulting project at a bakery company | NURBREAD
Major outcomes: 12% increase in sales, a 30% reduction in returns, and a 25% decrease in logistics costs

Project Management with Microsoft Project
Training and coaching – 16 hours | BAKELEKTRO OJSC

Production Planning & Control
Training – 20 hours | AVRORA LLC

Data analysis and visualization with POWER BI
Training – 45 hours | DAN.IT